We have extensive experience in state government, having cultivated countless relationships under the Gold Dome and across state agencies. The principals at Excelsis previously have worked for the Georgia General Assembly, served as a governor’s legislative liaison, and coordinated campaign efforts involving dozens of closely contested legislative races. We’ve been in the room as legislative leaders and the governor resolve differences and advance policy, and we’ve “worked the ropes” with members of the majority and minority parties alike in pursuit of common goals. We’ve leveraged these experiences to become inclusive and robust in the cultivation of relationships across elected, appointed and staff-level decision makers. We are meticulous in tracking the minutiae and diligent in applying every facet of the policy-making process to accomplish your goals in this sphere. While unafraid to stand alone to advocate for a difficult and valid position, we have earned regard as effective and credible partners in advocacy for our collaborative and team-oriented approach to complex matters involving multiple stakeholders.